Upcoming Retreats


CMSK #43 : Koinonia (Hispanic)
February 7-9, 2025
CMK #231 : Koinonia (English)
March 21-23, 2025
CMSK #44 : Koinonia (Hispanic)
April 4-6, 2025
CMK #232 : Koinonia (English)
May 16-18, 2025
CMK #233 : Koinonia (English)
September 19-21, 2025
CMSK #45 : Koinonia (Hispanic)
October 10-12, 2025

Amen, Amen, I say to you,
unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies,
it remains just a grain of wheat;
but if it dies, it produces much fruit.

John 12:24

What Is The Purpose Of Koinonia?

Koinonia is a community experience in Christian living designed especially for adults. It is a Catholic retreat program sponsored by the St. Cloud Diocese.

Koinonia has a two-fold purpose.

The first is to provide a time and a place for adult Christians to experience the reality of Christian community, fellowship and sharing...that is to say: "Koinonia". St. Paul, in his letter, uses the Greek word 'Koinonia' to describe the early church, that newly formed group of Christian believers who looked to each other for faith-sharing support.

The second purpose is to provide a depth of faith-sharing support that allows and challenges inner renewal for each participant at his or her own level. Renewal often brings about a desire to serve. Koinonia can rightly be called a "renewal" program in this respect.

What Is It Like?

The theme of the Koinonia weekend is the Paschal Mystery, the death and resurrection of Jesus. We take this central teaching of our faith and show how it applies to our daily lives.

During the weekend, the church year is expressed in three days.

On Friday, we celebrate Lent. There is a communal penance service and the opportunity for individual confession through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

On Saturday, we devote ourselves to the celebration of Easter. We focus on the implications that the Resurrection brings to the life of each Christian.

On Sunday, we celebrate Pentecost. We examine our roles in the church and our call to spread the Good News in the way that is best for each of us.

Who Can Make A Koinonia Weekend?

Anyone who is concerned about his or her relationship with God, would like to enhance their own spirituality, and is willing to spend time with a group of people with the same basic interest should consider making a Koinonia weekend.

A typical Koinonia weekend includes one or more priests, one or more religious (sisters and/or brothers), and thirty to forty other adult lay persons.

A Koinonia weekend usually has the same "mix" as any Sunday Mass, which makes it a true experience of Church. The participants come from various walks of life and usually encompass a wide age span and a great variety of worship norms.

A Central Minnesota Koinonia weekend follows Catholic teaching and welcomes people of all faiths to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in the setting of Christian community.

Candidate Registration

  • Retreat weekends are held at the TEC Center in Belle Prairie, MN, just outside of Little Falls on Highway 371.
  • We begin on Friday evening and end Sunday at 5pm.
  • The cost for the entire weekend is $70.00. Scholarships and gift certificates are available.

To apply for a weekend, complete this application form and send it with a $10.00 check for your deposit to:

(Note: This is NOT the address for the retreat center)

Central Minnesota Koinonia
c/o Kathy Hoffman Tax
25466 Hawthorn Rd
Pierz, MN 56364

You will be sent a confirmation letter containing additional information you will need. If the weekend you request is full, your application and registration fee will be returned.

Contact Kathy Hoffman Tax at (320) 630-1880 or Joel Donnell at (320) 291-6210 if you have any questions or send an email to cmkoinonia@gmail.com

Fill Out New Candidate Registration